
Meibography is an advanced diagnostic tool that uses fluorescence imaging technology to help diagnose and treat dry eye disease. It allows our eye care professionals to visualize the meibomian glands and observe their function, which is crucial for identifying the root cause of dry eye disease. With this technology, we can evaluate the quality of the tear film, assess the severity of the disease, and create a personalized treatment plan. This non-invasive procedure is quick and painless and helps our providers give the best care possible for our patients with dry eyes.

Anterior Segment Imaging

Anterior Segment Imaging is a diagnostic test that captures high-resolution images of the anterior segment of the eye. This includes the cornea, iris, and lens. The test can help detect various eye conditions, including dry eye disease, and provides valuable information on the eyes’ health and potential treatment options.

MMP-9 testing

Inflammadry MMP9 is a diagnostic test that detects elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) in the tears. This enzyme is associated with inflammation in the eyes and is a key marker in diagnosing dry eye disease. The test is non-invasive and can provide results in just a few minutes.


TearLab Osmolarity is a diagnostic test used to measure the salt content or osmolarity of the tears in the eyes. A small sample of tears is collected from the lower eyelid and analyzed to determine the severity of dry eye disease. This test is quick, painless, and highly accurate in detecting dry eye disease.

Corneal Sensitivity testing

Corneal Sensitivity Testing is a diagnostic test used to measure the sensitivity of the cornea. This test is often used in combination with other dry eye diagnostic tests to determine the severity of the condition and potential treatment options. The test is non-invasive and involves using a specialized tool to measure the patient’s response to different stimuli.